- 重要日期
- 会议日期:2024年8月10-12日
- 摘要截稿日期:延期至 2024年7月9日
- 论文出版:收到最终稿后7-10天
- 联系我们
- 邮箱:huiyi123net_Aug@126.com
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Automation, Control and Intelligent Systems (ACIS)
ISSN Print: 2328-5583
ISSN Online: 2328-5591
Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (JEEE)
ISSN Print: 2329-1613
ISSN Online: 2329-1605
American Journal of Networks and Communications (AJNC)
ISSN Print: 2326-893X
ISSN Online: 2326-8964
American Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (AJECE)
ISSN Print: 2640-0480
ISSN Online: 2640-0502
American Journal of Computer Science and Technology (AJCST)
ISSN Print: 2640-0111
ISSN Online: 2640-012X
会议接受英文摘要投稿,摘要录用后,将以会议摘要集的形式由 Science Publishing Group (SciencePG) 出版。